Pediatric Dermatology
Pediatric Dermatology focuses on the treatment of conditions of the skin, hair, and nails in children from birth to adolescence.
Examples of common pediatric skin conditions include:
Acne involves an abnormality within the oil glands that causes skin cells to reproduce and develop pimples of the skin. This may occur as a result of hormones, heredity, cosmetics, stress, bacteria or other factors. Acne is most common in teenagers but can affect patients of all ages.
Almost all teenagers have some degree of acne, and as many as one in three seek treatment to correct this condition. Treatment options vary depending on the type, severity, and location of acne lesions. At Advanced DermCare, our treatment approach for acne is completely personalized based on your child's needs. We have a number of new and innovative treatments to help cope with this problem that can affect appearance and self-esteem. Cleansers, facials, topical preparations, oral medication, and laser treatments are all part of our treatment options for acne.
Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, refers to an inflammatory skin condition that results in chronic, itchy rashes and affects 10 to 20 percent of all infants. Eczema is hereditary and commonly associated with asthma and hay fever – the so-called “atopic triad.” Atopic infants and children experience an itchy rash that appears on the forehead, cheeks, arms, and legs and is exacerbated by scratching and exposure to environmental triggers; these may include harsh soaps, products containing fragrance or dyes, dust mites, food allergies and certain clothing materials such as wool and polyester blends. Being common does not make this a trivial problem. For some unfortunate children and their parents, eczema can be a debilitating disease.
There is currently no cure for eczema, but we know how to control inflammation and relieve symptoms using therapies such as barrier creams, topical steroids, topical immunomodulators, and in severe cases oral or injectable medications. Our physicians will work with you to develop the best possible treatment plan for your child while investigating the root causes of his or her condition.
A spot that is present on the skin at birth or that appears shortly thereafter is called a birthmark. Birthmarks can be red, purple, tan, brown or black. They can be large and small. Pigmented birthmarks include nevi (commonly called “moles”), mongolian spots and café au lait spots. These result from increased pigment in the skin when pigment cells (melanocytes) grow in clusters. Most birthmarks are harmless and do not require any treatment. However, the American Academy of Dermatology does encourage concerned parents of newborns with birthmarks to consult a dermatologist to rule out any medical conditions that could complicate the child’s health.
The physicians at Advanced DermCare have many years of experience in the diagnosis and treatment of birthmarks of all types. Parents can look forward to a knowledgeable discussion of treatment options and state of the art care so that you know your child will have the best possible outcome. When appropriate, we offer specialized surgical or laser treatment for some types pigmented birthmarks.
Hemangiomas are a type of birthmark that occur in about 10% of children. While they are often visible at birth, some hemangiomas will take several weeks or months to become visible. They are usually found on the face, head or neck and affect girls more often than boys. Once they begin to appear, they usually continue to grow for a period of between 6 to 18 months, with roughly 50% of hemangiomas regressing by five years of age.
Traditionally, parents are told, “leave it alone and it will go away by itself.” This may not be good advice. While some hemangiomas will resolve by themselves over a period of months or years, some persist or grow. For those hemangiomas that pose a significant health risk - such as those on the face, along the spine, or in the diaper region - treatment should be started as soon as possible. If you or your child has a hemangioma, the specialists at Advanced DermCare will provide you with information about the type of lesion, expected trajectory of growth and best course of action for treatment. We will work with you to assess the risk of serious complications and cosmetic disfigurement. In some cases, this may simply require close monitoring, while in others, we will expedite referral to a multidisciplinary clinic that specializes in managing complicated hemangiomas and other vascular lesions in children.
Port wine stains (PWS) are found in approximately 0.3% of births. They may cause disfiguring purple discoloration of the face. Recent data suggest that some types of port wine stains form due to a defect in the nerves regulating blood vessels in the area where the stain is found. These faulty nerves don’t signal the blood vessels to constrict properly, causing blood to pool in the affected area. In addition, some PWS such as those around the eye may be associated with serious internal complications such as eye problems and seizures. Laser treatments offered at Advanced DermCare may be effective in these areas to reduce the amount of discoloration.
Warts are very common growths that usually appear on the skin of the hands, feet, knees or elbows of children and young adults. Warts are caused by a virus known as HPV or human papillomavirus. They are contagious and may take as long as 12 months after exposure to appear. There are a variety of treatment options available for people who suffer from warts. Your Advanced DermCare physician will examine warts and their location in order to make the best possible choice of treatment for you.
These raised, pearly white skin papules (bumps) are caused by a highly contagious virus and spread by direct skin-to-skin contact. Children are most commonly infected, and may have more widespread lesions if they have underlying eczema or a weakened immune system. Most cases of molluscum will self-resolve over time, but treatment is often advised to speed up clearance, reduce the risk of complications such as secondary infection, scarring and discomfort. If your child has been diagnosed with molluscum, schedule an appointment for evaluation and safe, simple treatment.
Impetigo is a bacterial infection of the skin. A break in the skin from a cut or a scrape creates an environment where bacteria can grow and spread. Patients with eczema and itchy skin also often develop impetigo because of scratching the skin. Impetigo is most commonly seen in young children especially preschool and school age children. Athletes – regardless of age – who play contact sports are also more susceptible to these bacterial infections.
Impetigo is classified by ‘honey colored’ crust on a wound. A less common form of impetigo presents with small fluid-filled blisters, called Bullous Impetigo. Impetigo on its own is not dangerous, and typically responds well to treatment. If left untreated, however, infection can spread and lead to more serious skin infections and/or scarring. We encourage your child to keep wounds clean and covered, keep fingernails short to limit scratching, and avoid touching the wounds to prevent spreading impetigo to other parts of the body. Our providers will prescribe an antibiotic cream or course of oral antibiotics to treat the infection.